All offers valid January 16 to February 2, 2025. Not valid on previous purchases; not to be combined with any other offer or promotion.
*40% off the regular retail price of American Drew furniture. Prices shown reflect discount. Excludes clearance.
◊Extra 10% discount comes off the current selling price of any Serta mattress with purchase of complete bed, dresser, and third piece from same collection. See in-store for local delivery area details.
*Contest runs January 16 to February 2, 2025. No purchase necessary. Open to Ontario residents of legal age. Winner must be able to pick up their prize at Stoney Creek Furniture. See in-store for full rules and regulations.
†30% off the regular retail price of Fusion, Four Seasons and Best Home Furnishings upholstery and 35% off the regular retail price of Craftmaster upholstery. Prices shown reflect discount. Excludes clearance.
††Purchase any 2 pieces of upholstered furniture and save 40% on the regular retail price of a Kalora rug. Excludes clearance.
We strive for the utmost accuracy in all of our advertising. For complete information on our advertised events, full details can be found at our store.